Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm still here, somewhat...

Huge apologies for my extreme absence of late. The truth is I've moved to the country for a while, and have very limited internet downloads... Which means I can't spend time perusing all of your lovely blogs. It's heartbreaking, I really miss it, but I promise I will catch up soon!

In the meantime, here is the country as I know it, for now.

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I have much to tell, including tales of wonderful thrift finds, a swap with the lovely Hollie of Vegan and Vintage, an amazing 4 day music festival, and my store - but these will have to wait until I have more time! Until then, au revoir!


brodie said...

your store!?
i will wait for that news with baited breath!

muchlove said...

sounds like you've been having an awesome time! Looking forward to future posts :)

Frances said...

Oh I spotted you at the folkie! Hope you enjoy this neck of the woods - it is very pretty. xoxo

Unknown said...

Sounds perfect! Look forward to hearing more, all in good time though x

Anonymous said...

I've missed your blogging! But I can't wait to see the thrift finds and such you mentioned... you always find some neat things! :)

Kate @ Tres Lola said...

wow what an amazing shot - makes me want to live in the country. hope you're enjoying it :D

Anonymous said...

It look so so lovely where you are. I miss you and your super posts!

Lavender said...

look at that beautiful big sky.

oniomania said...

beautiful photos... i cant wait for more.

Missa said...

Wow, wherever you are looks absolutely dreamy... enjoy!

esme and the laneway said...

Wow, that looks amazing! Looking forward to more news :)

Sonya --Dime Store Thrift said...

Thank goodness you checked in! I was watching and watching for you and glad you are back:)

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog and I have one thing to say: It's beautiful. Well done that you said no to consuming, it's something we should all do. We're not getting any taller, our style won't change that much, so the truth is we don't need new clothes. You are an inspiration to me, I 'll be posting about you on my blog.

thevintageyear said...

Brodie: it's just an online store but thanks!

muchlove: thanks very much, more will be coming soon I hope :)

Frances: that is too cool - how awesome was the folkie?!

Jesska: hopefully I will catch you round melbourne at the knitting group thingy

Casey: thanks!

Katie: yeah there are good things about living in the country!

Strikematch: it really is lovely :)

Lavender: it's hardly ever so blue!

oniomania: thank yoooou

Missa: it's so peaceful here, dreamy is a great way to describe it!

Esme and the laneway: thank you dear

Sonya: I'm still around occasionally, hopefully these will get more frequent!

Jo: thank you so much, that really means a lot. I think it's so important to think about where we are getting our things from!

Trish Hunter said...

Ooh I can't wait to hear all about it!!
I miss the country!! Enjoy it there there's no place better... except possibly the opshop in the country haha

Leonard said...

Thanks! :D

No, the picture was taken in Venice last year! I myself live in Sweden! Where do you live?


I love the concept of your blog! You have great style. When you get a chance come by my blog and possibly follow too :)