Saturday, November 21, 2009

Blog reader

I'm going to try and resurrect this blog. I've been really slack this year but have plenty of thrifting adventures to show and tell from my travels through Europe and New York. Recently I've been reading blogs like mad, trying to catch up with all the news, and settle back down into a kind of semi-routine now I'm back in Australia.

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Though it is almost summer here, the past two days in Melbourne have been stormy, rainy and cold. Not that I'm complaining - flying low over the Victorian countryside in the plane before touchdown, it broke my heart to see how dry the landscape was. Six months of English countryside and European forest does a lot to make one forget about the drought-ridden, struggling Oz.

One good thing about rainy weather is it gives me a chance to rediscover some of my cold weather clothes before I move up to Sydney in 6 days, and end up stuck with summer for 6 months...


Unknown said...

The weather here in Perth is just the same. Some days are hot then the next its oh so cold and wet & stormy. But In a way I do appreciate it because I'm not ready for summer clothes jut yet, I'll enjoy Spring as much as I can ;)

P.S The outfit is lovely!

Roxanne Rosensteel said...

Ooo, I love that dress! So grunge and lovely. I've been trying to find something similar.

Unknown said...

Welcome back! Good luck with the Sydney move xx

Iris said...

Welcome back! The dress is so sweet, I'm more than a little obsessed with Liberty-esque florals and grunge ;-)

And I'm envious that you are able to wear stockings in November, it's been so darned hot up this way...

oniomania said...

yahoooo!!!!!! your back.
don't worry i have been slack this year too. time to shake things up a little;)

cant wait to read up on your adventures.

Missa said...

Yay, welcome back! That dress is PERFECT :)

Aya Smith said...

It's starting to become Winter here, so cold and dreary :( I really rather hate it, and always miss the warm weather when this time of the year comes :(

You look lovely! I love the layered socks :)

Ms. Givens said...

Read my blog. I buy thrift items almost every weekend.

brodie said...

i'm glad you're back, even if you're leaving melbourne again. xo

thevintageyear said...

M: I agree, it mixes things up a bit... although can be a bit hard not knowing what to wear each day!

Roxanne: thanks! I've seen them everywhere, although this one was long and dowdy, I had to hem it.

Jess: Thanks :)

Iris: Thank you! It's heating up again here too.

Oniomania: I can't wait to catch up on everyone else's adventures!

Missa: thank yooou

Aya: the grass is always greener I think!

Ms Givens: you do have lots of good thrift finds!

Brodie: Thanks, I'm glad to be back too... I heart Melbourne

Vanessa said...

that dress is so adorable. I WANT IT!
florals are lovely and so is your blog!
following you now.
follow me at:

Kitchen Sinks said...

Good work...keep it up......please update on regular basis.