Friday, January 9, 2009

Grey days

First of all I'd like to say thank you for all of your kind words on my last post. It means so much to me to know that my little project has maybe inspired others - just as I am so inspired by all of you, fellow bloggers!

Also I want to correct any misconceptions about me having some sort of super willpower. I don't. The first 5 or so months of 2008 were really hard for me. I virtually had to ban myself from going into any shops that sold new stuff. I begged and persuaded my poor boy to buy me clothes for my birthday, anniversary, and so on (something which he's usually not comfortable with). However, like any habit, the compulsion to buy new eased towards the middle of year and became almost easy by the end.

They say that in order to break one addiction you must replace it with another - and that was true for me. I merely replaced my addiction to buying new stuff with an addiction to buying non-new stuff.

If you want to recognise true willpower, many of you fellow bloggers pretty much do what I did all the time, barely ever buying new things, without even having to set yourselves a year-long ban. I find that very inspiring!

To answer some questions - no, I didn't cheat; but yes - I was allowed to buy new underwear! Everyone has personal lines they won't cross, and for me the idea of buying secondhand undies is just... no.

So thank you for sticking with me thus far. For now I'm just going to take Skye's advice and just go with the flow, trying to take my newfound attitude with me.

Now I'll leave you with an outfit I styled to enter in a competition. I didn't win the competition but that means I'm now able to share with all of you lovely things. Happy Saturday!

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Grey jacket: vintage from CBD opshop - $5 in the lunchtime sale, yay!
Dress: One Teaspoon from '07
Tights: Sportsgirl '07
Shoes: Betts '07
Scarf and Bag: vintage from op shop in Dunedin, NZ
Brooch: vintage, can't remember where from!
Necklace: Drink Me Alice '07


Missa said...

It's a gorgeous outfit, that blazer fits you perfectly :)

oniomania said...

another cute outfit! :)

in buying vintage/thrift, did you find that you needed to hem things up and or tailor things in order to fit?

Anonymous said...

Your outfit is adorable! This is layering at its best, it really makes me crave spring weather!

Anonymous said...

You're blazer is so amazing. I also love all the contrasting patterns.

esme and the laneway said...

Cute! I love the jacket, and the red and grey together.

girl and bird said...

that dress is awesome!
pls, i'm glad you bought new undies.

thevintageyear said...

Missa: thank you!

Oniomania: in many cases I do have to alter things, most commonly hemming things shorter - I think this is because I'm really short!

Brook: I'm finding I'm craving winter (which is really strange for me) because I keep on seeing gorgeous northern-hemisphere wintery blogs! :D

StrikeMatch: thanks, I like contrasting patterns too, although they're a bit scary!

Esme: thanks!

Annah: lol, I'm glad you glad!